CONTENTS Preface to the Enlarged and Corrected Printing............... V Preface. ,..,.***..-.....................ix Notations..............................XV Chapter I ELEMENTS OF THE THEORY OF SETS.............. 1 1. Elements and sets. 2. Boolean algebra. 3. Product of two sets. 4. Mappings. 5. Direct and inverse images. 6. Surjective, injective, and bijective mappings. 7. Composition of mappings. 8. Families of elements. Union, intersection, and products of families of sets. Equivalence relations. 9. Denumerable sets. Chapter 11 REAL NUMBERS........................ 16 1. Axioms of the real numbers. 2. Order properties of the real numbers. 3. Least upper bound and greatest lower bound. Chapter 111 METRIC SPACES........................ 27 1. Distances and metric spaces. 2. Examples of distances. 3. Isornetries. 4. Balls, spheres, diameter. 5. Open sets. 6. Neighborhoods. 7. Interior of a set. 8. Closed sets, cluster points, closure of a set. 9. Dense subsets; separable spaces. 10. Subspaces of a metric space. 11. Continuous mappings. 12. Homeo- morphisms. Equivalent distances. 13. Limits. 14. Cauchy sequences, complete spaces. 15. Elementary extension theorems. 16. Compact spaces. 17. Compact sets. 18. Locally compact spaces. 19. Connected spaces and connected sets. 20. Product of two metric spaces. Chapter IV ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE REAL LINE.......... 79 1. Continuity of algebraic operations. 2. Monotone functions. 3. Logarithms and exponentials. 4. Complex numbers. 5. The Tietze-Urysohn extension theorem. rts of